Erik MH:


Hey, Siri! Pause!

“Hey, Siri! Pause!” I called, beladen as I was with a dish tray, an iPad, my cased Air­Pods, socks, and oth­er paraphernalia as I tried to nego­ti­ate the screen- and French- doors from our deck into the liv­ing room. (Yes, Dr. F., car­ry­ing far less than 10 pounds!)

On the iPhone in my shirt pock­et, the ball game paused. Then it resumed.…

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T minus 40-odd hours and counting…

Karen smiles over her menu at a corner porch table; inset, I smile back
A last hur­rah at Sarducci’s with Kanie

No can­cer, still. How­ever, my intern­al plumb­ing needs repair­ing yet again.…

… Last night, Kar­en took me out to our favor­ite res­taur­ant (Sarducci’s) for din­ner, to “cel­eb­rate” my last sol­id food until some­time in July. It was lovely! …

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In which I face anoth­er surgery

A year and a half after the “Big Sur­gery”, I gave con­fer­ence papers in Leeds (in July) and in Birm­ing­ham (in August), with sev­er­al weeks of research at the Bodlei­an Lib­rary in Oxford bridging the weeks between the two con­fer­ences. On my last day in Leeds, and through­out my first week in Oxford, I had some pretty intense pain in my chest. This, I found out later, was my trans­verse colon and great­er omentum for­cing their way up through my eso­pha­geal hiatus.… And in Octo­ber of 2020, his­tory repeated itself.…

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In which I reflect on my journey

Friends! Claudia, Alicia, Melissa, Joshue, Mau, Fran­cisco, Mon­ica, Naomi, Will, …

I’ve nev­er before tried work­ing as a “digit­al nomad,” and it’s been nearly a dec­ade since I’ve traveled in lands where I didn’t really know the lan­guage. Travel has changed aston­ish­ingly dur­ing my life­time: most of the change is massive improve­ment: Google Maps, ubi­quit­ous cel­lu­lar data, Tri­pad­visor, Uber, Airb­nb, trans­la­tion apps, Street View,… any one of these tools and ser­vices would itself ease and sim­pli­fy travel — but taken alto­geth­er, travel can be much more com­fort­able and sure. And giv­en all the vari­ous bod­ily com­plic­a­tions that now make travel more dif­fi­cult for me, these new devel­op­ments are really a game-changer for me.…

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