Erik MH:


Now in my fifth dec­ade as an i.t. pro­fes­sion­al, I’ve recently been using my little grey cells to devel­op tools to aid research into the works of J.R.R. Tolki­en:

A full-fea­tured index and nav­ig­a­tion sys­tem for access­ing Mar­quette University’s 11,000 pages of Tolkien’s drafts for The Lord of the Rings and The Hob­bit (in progress)
LR Citations
A con­sist­ent, suc­cinct ref­er­en­cing sys­tem for all pas­sages in The Lord of the Rings
Tolki­en Art Index
A cata­logue rais­on­né of Tolkien’s Middle-earth­i­an artwork
A list­ing of both upcom­ing and past art­icles, books, con­fer­ences, journ­als, papers, videos, and oth­er resources for Tolki­en researchers
A friendly com­munity for­um for dis­cuss­ing things Tolkienian

I live in north­ern Ver­mont with my wife Kar­en, two cats, and (whenev­er pos­sible) one or two of our chil­dren. I have an a.b. (a b.a.) cum laude from Har­vard Uni­ver­sity, and I worked for many years just down the road from Har­vard at mit. In addi­tion to Tolki­en, my interests include car­to­graphy, lin­guist­ics, clas­sic­al music, espresso, record­er play­ing (with real record­ers, not what you played in ele­ment­ary school!), key­boards (for typ­ing), Macin­tosh (the Apple com­puter), and cider mak­ing (with lower-case apples).

I’m a mem­ber of The Tolki­en Soci­ety, the Myth­o­poe­ic Soci­ety, the North Amer­ic­an Car­to­graph­ic Inform­a­tion Soci­ety, Tolki­en in Ver­mont, and Bey­ond Bree, the Tolki­en sig of Amer­ic­an Mensa.

See my “now” pages for what I’m cur­rently doing per­son­ally and pro­fes­sion­ally.