Erik MH:

blog entry

More pan­icked about pack­ing for a week in the hos­pit­al than for the surgery

original date2017-11-26 16:56 utc
republished2024-06-10 20:27 utc
topicshealth; orig. on PostHope
noteThis post was ori­gin­ally pub­lished on Pos­tHope, where it’s still avail­able, along with sev­er­al pub­lic comments.

That’s either a good thing, of course, or it means I’m in deni­al about the sur­gery itself!

Again, though, so far so good: I’ve been on a liquid diet for the past two days (and a low-fat diet for the past week) in pre­par­a­tion for the sur­gery. Not exactly what I would choose, but Kar­en and Camer­on have helped by mak­ing a deli­cious tur­key broth and by purée­ing some non-fat honey Greek yog­hourt with some milk; these aug­ment the Carna­tion Instant Break­fast and the yoghurt drinks.… But at least I can still have cof­fee, and I was able to enjoy a won­der­ful tur­key din­ner when we cel­eb­rated Thanks­giv­ing on Friday.…

The delayed Thanks­giv­ing was because Karen’s folks (John and Judy) have come up from Ohio, avoid­ing traffic by driv­ing mostly on Thanks­giv­ing day. Timothy is also up from Brown, so we had a delight­ful and deli­cious din­ner on Fri­day, fol­lowed by a nice long walk togeth­er in the sun (50º!). In the even­ing we had deli­cious pies baked by Camer­on, and played games. It was a really, really nice day!

We’re so very grate­ful that Judy and John have been able to come up from Ohio and stay here with Camer­on while I’m in the hos­pit­al. It means Kar­en will be able to spend quite a lot of time with me in Dart­mouth-Hitch­cock without Camer­on hav­ing to stay at home alone. And from my per­spect­ive, it means I’ll be able rest easy know­ing that Camer­on and their grand­par­ents will be hav­ing a good time togeth­er in Cabot.

This after­noon, we’re head­ing off to Han­over, N.H. Timothy will catch the bus back to Brown (by way of Boston) from there, and the rest of us will do some win­dow-shop­ping and café-sit­ting-at, fol­lowed by view­ing A Prin­cess Bride in a movie theat­er, and din­ner (or “din­ner” in my case).

Kar­en and I will spend the night with friends near Han­over, enabling us to get an early start without hav­ing to leave Cabot at an insanely early hour — for the hos­pit­al wants us to arrive at 5:45 a.m.

Yes, 5:45 a.m. The sur­gery itself starts at 7:30, and should end at around 3:00. I expect I’ll be slightly the worse for wear, so Kar­en will post here in the late after­noon or early even­ing — once I’m settled in the hos­pit­al room — to let all‑y’all know how things went.

Again, if all goes per­fectly, they expect me to stay in the hos­pit­al for 7 – 10 days; so I should be out the week of Decem­ber 4th. I’ll miss the kit­ties, but will be tre­mend­ously grate­ful to have Kar­en by my side.…