Erik MH:

blog entries: house­hold

A new year…

Long COV­ID essen­tially rendered me use­less from June of 2022 through Septem­ber of 2023, and everything suffered — even the prop­er care and main­ten­ance of my beloved espresso machine. To launch the new year, I per­formed a full clean­ing and main­ten­ance on my Rock­et Cin­quan­totto. I had reli­giously cleaned and pol­ished it bi-weekly from its arrival here in August of 2021 through May of 2022, but it — as with so much else in my life — lan­guished over the ensu­ing months. Since Septem­ber (and my low-dose Nal­trex­one pre­scrip­tion) I’ve been slowly catch­ing up on my to-do lists, and today seemed the per­fect day to finally give the Cin­quan­totto its long over­due deep-cleaning.…


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