Erik MH:


Going home!

Erik sitting up in a hospital bed, with a new “Visit Mordor” t-shirt
Vis­it Mordor!

It’s been a long slog, but things star­ted look­ing a little bright­er yes­ter­day, and this morn­ing Erik got the word that he could go home today!

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Thanks to you all

I’m sure I’ve said this before, but I’d like to repeat my thanks to each of you for your con­tinu­ing encour­age­ment and well wishes. This is drag­ging on longer than we had hoped, and it’s your cheers and whis­pers and mes­sages and poetry that is keep­ing us going.

I felt I needed to share an example of the lat­ter with every­one, from a whilom cowork­er not nor­mally known for his Nashi­an versification: .…

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Finally, some progress!

Erik stands in a hospital corridor in his hospital gown, holding on to an IV pole; photographs of Austria hang on the walls
Erik pro­gresses

Monday and Tues­day were pretty frus­trat­ing, feel­ing like noth­ing was chan­ging, but then things star­ted happening: …

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Bumps in the road

Sorry for the delay in post­ing an update — it’s been a week­end of ups and downs. In short, everything related to the actu­al sur­gery is hunky-dory, but all the gen­er­al recov­ery stuff has been rough. There’s lots going on, but most of it isn’t really stuff I want to post about (end­less details about bod­ily flu­ids, their meas­ure­ment and pro­cliv­it­ies, that sort of thing).…

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Tunes and tubes

In a hospital room, three people watch a fiddler play
Fam­ily, friends, & fiddling!

Thursday was a pretty busy day, and Fri­day is con­tinu­ing in that vein…

Yes­ter­day star­ted with some med­ic­al stuff: Erik’s naso-gast­ric tube was removed in the morn­ing, which removed a sub­stan­tial source of dis­com­fort, though left a resid­ual sore throat. Unfor­tu­nately, that also meant the end of the mouth swabs, so he’s hav­ing a hard time talk­ing until he can drink water again. The tube feed­ings (star­ted on Tues­day) had ramped up to the tar­get rate, so they took him off IV feed­ing, and were there­fore able to remove one of his IVs — an uncom­fort­able one near his wrist.…

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