Erik MH:

blog entry

If you’re read­ing this in South America

date2023-11-02 19:09 utc
topicsadministrivia; tech

I’m host­ing this site on sev­er­al serv­ers loc­ated stra­tegic­ally around the globe, one of which is in San­ti­ago, Chile. I’ve just been informed that that serv­er will be down for main­ten­ance on 2023-11-09 from 04:00 to 08:00 utc, which will be in the very early morn­ing (depend­ing on your time zone) in South Amer­ica. Things should be set up prop­erly such that you’ll be redir­ec­ted to the next closest serv­er (Seattle, Atlanta, or Sydney in all prob­ab­il­ity), so oth­er than a little slug­gish­ness there shouldn’t be any problems.

Non­ethe­less, all should be well again by 08:00 utc (between 3:00 and 5:00 a.m. in most of South America).