Erik MH:

blog entry

In which I explain my motiv­a­tion for not win­ter­ing in Vermont

original date2024-01-15 13:03 utc
retroactively published2024-03-09 16:09 utc
topicsPeru; weather; Vermont

The (unre­mark­able) weath­er fore­cast just before I leave for Peru.
Endless cold, darkness, & snow. I can’t stay warm. I can’t get enough light. I don’t ski.

And as I’m posting this retrospectively in mid-March, I realize that I cannot remember whether my weather app was displaying temperatures in Celsius (i.e., these temperatures are cold) or in Fahrenheit (i.e., these temperatures are bloody cold). Either is entirely possible. Either would be entirely unremarkable. Either is just too darned cold!