Erik MH:

blog entry

Test­ing work set-up for Peru

date2024-01-05 22:55 utc
topicsadministrivia; tech; Peru

Two weeks from today will be my first full day (out of 55!) in Peru! The inten­tion is that my trip will be a true blend of work and relax­a­tion; I’m hop­ing to work indus­tri­ously for sev­en five-hour days each week, leav­ing the bal­ance of the time for sampling food, espresso, drinks, music, art, and the ocean. But those work hours will be cru­cial, and I’ve worked out an effi­cient, port­able work­sta­tion in order to make that time as use­ful as possible.

Nomad code war­ri­or setup for Peru

I’ll bring my 2021 16″ Mac­Book Pro (M1 Max with 10-core CPU and 24-core GPU) (by far the com­puter I’ve been the hap­pi­est with and the most excited by since my first com­puter pur­chase in 1980!) in my carry-on lug­gage. Everything else you see on the table will be in my checked luggage:

  • one Mon­duo 16 Inch Pro Duo col­laps­able two-pan­el dis­play, which I bought early last year for travel, but which I like so well I’m using it daily at home
  • one Apple Magic Track­pad
  • one ZSA Voy­ager port­able pro­gram­mable key­board, which I bought for the trip; it’s taken a while to fig­ure out how to pro­gram it prop­erly, but I love both the look and the feel — it actu­ally makes me want to type things!
  • one Astro­pad com­pact easel to raise the laptop slightly

I’ve been using it just as it’s set up in the photo, and it seems per­fect. Watch out, to-do lists: I’ll be com­ing after you in Peru!